What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A comprehensive plan is a long-term guide that expresses the values and aspirations of a community. It is the broadest public policy document a community can create for future physical development considering the input of residents, businesses, and other stakeholders. The plan is a tool to prepare for change and acts as a guidebook for decision-makers. Although not a legally binding document, it can serve as a foundation for budgeting decisions, zoning ordinances, land development regulations, sustainable practices, and more.
Why does Carbondale need a Comprehensive Plan update?
Since adoption of the 2010 plan, the community has experienced a decline in population while also demonstrating true resolve and resilience since emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. Now is the time for a fresh start, which can begin with the creation of a new forward-thinking comprehensive plan. The plan can become a catalyst to create positive momentum within this diverse region.
Are there opportunities for individuals to get involved?
Yes! This is an open and inclusive process. There will be opportunities between two rounds of public input during the planning process. Anybody who cares about the future of Carbondale will be able to participate, there will be multiple ways in each round to contribute ideas and insight.
How will my input be used?
When you contribute an idea, you are making an impact on the future of Carbondale. All input gathered will be databased, analyzed, and documented by the planning team so that it can serve as a foundation for the plan’s vision, goals, and specific recommendations.
Do I have to be an expert to contribute ideas?
You are an expert if you live, work, or spend time in Carbondale. Who knows the community better than you?
What is the timeline for completing the plan?
The plan is anticipated to be completed in the Spring of 2025.
Where can I learn more?
For more information about this exciting opportunity please sign up for our email list or contact Molly Maxwell, AICP, Senior Planner, City of Carbondale, at (618) 457-3233 or mmaxwell@carbondaleil.gov.